Refund & Return Policy

  1. Software
    1. If the User is not 100% satisfied with any LivGps software subscription plan/products, please contact us within 30 days of User’s purchase to receive a refund. User’s refund will be subject to payment for the first month of Services (calculated at the Monthly Subscription rate), whichever is less after the software is installed on the server and/or cloud.
    2. Refunds requested more than 30 days after User’s initial purchase date will not be issued unless the transaction was the result of a fraudulent purchase.
    3. If User was issued a refund, it should appear on User’s credit card or PayPal statement within 72 (seventy-two) hours upon LivGps notifies the User. After receiving User’s refund, User agrees to uninstall and/or stop using any LivGps software and/or hardware product(s) for which User no longer possess a valid license. LivGps reserves the right to disable the server, account, product keys or serial numbers issued for the refunded products.
  2. Hardware
    1. If the item is broken or not working properly, User has up to 30 working days to contact us (in other instances the money will be not refunded). If User wants to return an item, please send an email to: LivGps will respond with the return address and an identifying number for User to enclose with the returned item. Please note: if the User does not send email within 30 working days after User receives the order, LivGps will not be able to process User’s return.
    2. LivGps will process User’s refund through PayPal after receiving the items providing, they are unused and in a saleable condition. Return shipping is paid by the buyer unless the received item is defective or not working. Please note, buyer must send order back to LivGps via a postal service, which have tracking function.
    3. All returned items will be subject to inspection. A full refund is only processed for buyers that return items unused and returned in their original packaging. Otherwise, if a return is received in not a saleable condition and the packaging is broken, User will be charged 20% of the retail price of the item.